Right now I'm surrounded by old pictures - some from the 70's and 80's, a lot from the 90's, and a bunch from the 2000's. It makes me think that it might be about time for me to start really thinking about the pictures I take and the memories we create!
Enough so that I might even be convinced to mail out a Christmas Card (yeah right...Happy New Year card) this year!
Of course that means that I'll have to find a picture that includes both me and Mark (no, Rocky will not be in it - he prefers solo portraits....and let's be honest, the amount of grief I would get for sending out a Christmas Card with only our cat on it would be even more than I can handle!) - I'm thinking the big tree in the lobby of the Contessa this weekend will be perfect (hence, the New Year's Cards).
But, the best part about the whole Christmas Card thing is the tons of options that are available - especially on Shutterfly. Their collection this year is incredible!
Some of my favorites include: (http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/christmas-photo-cards)
(Apparently I have a thing for different fonts)
Which one is your favorite? Go to www.shutterfly.com to see more!
Yay! I'll look forward to getting mine! I've also been thinking about New Years cards, but am really not sure that I'll get it together in time...
Can't wait to get ours! My favorite? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . The last one, I guess. They all look great, though. Can't wait to see if you pick the one I think you will. Edith/Mom
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