My friend and fellow Pi Phi, Katie Kilpatrick, is in Haiti with her husband. The moved just a few weeks before the earthquake to teach at a school there. She has been updating her blog frequently ( and really presents a different perspective to everything that is happening in Haiti.
She posted the following lyrics from a Shane and Shane song today:
Come let us return He has torn us into pieces He has injured us come let us return to the Lord He will heal us He will bandage our wounds in just a short time He'll restore us in just a short time He'll restore His church so we might live we might live in His presence in His presence oh that we might know the Lord oh that we might know the Lord oh that we might know the Lord let us press on to know Him
let us press hard into Him
then as surely as the coming of the dawn
He will respond

Please go to her blog - - to read more and to donate if you wish.
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