Thursday, July 12, 2012

The newest Reitmeier

This little guy will be coming home on Sunday!

He's a red Merle miniature Australian Shepherd. Tentatively named Giggs.
More pictures to come!
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our First House!

We closed on our first house on May 15. We slowly moved ourselves (with Mike & Edith's help - to be fair, Mom thought we were hiring movers) and are finally feeling close to settled. Of course it's a process - there is nothing hung on the walls or accessorized (any interior decorators out there want to work for cheap?!) - but it's coming together.
Here are some pictures:

And the biggest work in progress, our bedroom:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mr. Fix-it

Our new house is not a fixer-upper by any means. But, it does seem like there is always something on the list!

Last night the cheap plastic handle on the toilet broke - literally snapped in half. So today Mark replaced the handle which also involved replacing the chain and flapper.

The bonus in all of this is that the new handle looks much better!

We may not be pros - or anywhere close - but it's the small steps!

I took pictures of the house yesterday - I'm hoping to get those posted soon. We're nowhere near finished, but at least everything is unpacked!

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